Member Benefits
The Ride and Tie Association is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
As a member of the Ride and Tie Association, you will receive newsletters which cover upcoming events, ride results, annual point standings and informative articles to improve your abilities as rider and runner as well as the abilities and health of your horse.
2025 membership year is changing to January 1, 2025 – November 30, 2025. Subsequent years will run from December 1st to November 30th.
Note: Membership rates listed for Juniors are ONLY valid from January 1, 2025 through November 30, 2027
Race Director: (Complimentary “individual only” – for the season in which you direct a race.)
You MUST fill out membership form and return it with sanctioning information in order for your event to be insured and sanctioned. You receive competitor member benefits, but NO voting privileges.
Upgrading from Complimentary/Competitor to Family: ($15)
You receive all family member benefits.
Competitor Member: (Adult $35; Junior $15)
Will receive Ride & Tie Newsletter and Handbook, one vote on Association general membership issues, eligibility for all sanctioned Ride & Ties held during membership year and inclusion and eligibility for the national points/mileage year end awards.
One Day Competitor: (Adult $15; Junior $5)
Will NOT receive Ride & Tie newsletter and handbook; NO voting privileges. Are eligible for national points/mileage year end awards.
Family Membership: ($50)
Immediate Family living at same address. List all names (first and last) to be included. Same benefits as Competitor Member, two votes per family.
Lifetime Member: ($500)
Same benefits as Competitor member with no more annual membership fees.
Supporting Member: ($100 or more)
Same benefits as Member with special thanks from the Ride and Tie Association.
Friend of Ride & Tie: ($20 or more)
Non-competitive member showing support for Ride & Tie. No voting privileges. Will receive Newsletter.
Member Lookup
To find a rider’s member number and statistics, type all or part of the rider’s first and/or last name in the appropriate box, then click “Search” — the display will show any individuals who are a current, lifetime or past member.
To find their Ride & Tie individual member race statistics, if you already know their Member ID, type it in the appropriate box and click “Go”. If you did a search by first or last name, once you get a list of names to select from – you click on the link to display the associated records.
To find their Equathon individual member race statistics, if you already know their Member ID, type it in the appropriate box and click “Go”. If you did a search by first or last name, once you get a list of names to select from – you click on the link to display the associated records.