Points and Mileage
How Annual Competition Points are Calculated
- Races 20 miles in length or more:
- 25 points for completing the race, plus
- points equaling 2 times the number of miles completed, plus
- 5 points for each team you beat to the finish line
- Races between 10 and up to 19 miles in length:
- 25 points for each team member, plus
- points equaling 1/2 the number of miles completed, plus
- 3 points for each team you beat to the finish line
- Races less than 10 miles:
- 25 points for each team member
Equathons will be scored as 2 categories, “TEAM” and “IRON”. If competitors want to have overall category winners at the race level that is something that ride managers could decide. (END OF YEAR) Teams will be scored in the same manner as Ride and Tie, meaning both competitors and horse will receive Individual points and miles, and the competitors will receive points and miles as a team to determine the Overall TEAM winner. Iron person will be scored in a similar manner, competitor and horse will both receive Individual points and miles, but the competitor will receive points equal to 2 (rider/runner) but miles equal to one competitor. To determine the Overall Iron person winner, both Team and Iron will be scored together as “Individual” for an Overall equathon winner.
To be eligible for annual year end awards for any of the categories offered for either Ride & Tie or Equathon, individuals must be a current or lifetime member of Ride & Tie. The winning equine, individual, or team must also have competed in at least 2 sanctioned races and have accumulated a minimum of 125 points for that particular category. Awards for M/M, W/W, W/M, and Iron person are based on points accumulated that year. In the event of a tie, the award will be presented to individual or team with the most miles. Equine awards are based on mileage only.
Division Awards
Annual award categories for Ride & Tie are:
- Horse of the Year
- Man/Man Team Points Champion
- Man/Woman Team Points Champion
- Woman/Woman Team Points Champion
- Individual Points Champion*
*for the individual who did not win a team award

Annual award categories for Equathon are:
- Equathon Horse of the Year
- Equathon Man/Man Team Points
- Equathon Man/Woman Team Points
- Equathon Woman/Woman Team Points
- Equathon Iron Individual Points Champion*
*only if that individual did not win a team award
Horse of the Year
The Horse of the Year award is presented to the equine that competed in at least two sanctioned races, accumulated a minimum of 125 points and the highest mileage for events completed that year.
Top Individual – High Mileage
The Top Individual – High Mileage award is presented to the individual who accumulates the highest mileage for events completed that given year. They must have competed in at least two sanctioned races, have accumulated a minimum of 125 points and did not win a team award.